ProximaX Sirius Platform Main Network Upgrade

We are pleased to announce that we have upgraded the public main network to support the upcoming launch of Sirius Storage and Supercontract. This upgrade follows the same that was performed last week for the test network. Important: Main network participants will need to upgrade their nodes accordingly.

Upgrade Steps

The public main network upgrade has been executed differently partly because of its decentralized governance. All main network participants are required to take the following three steps: 

  1. Software upgrade:  All participants are required to pull the latest node version for the upgrade (PULL HERE).
  2. Plugin upgrade: For Sirius Storage and Supercontract to work, there will be a plugin upgrade announcement that we will subsequently make. 
  3. Sirius Storage & Supercontract launch: Once the plugins are enabled, public participants can start running their storage and executor (Supercontract) nodes.

This blog post is for the first step, software upgrade. 

Changes Made

Sirius Chain Peer / Server Release

Version : 0.6.5

Added additional validation check to ensure that there are exchange entry exist before completely purging or cleaning the `drive` cache
Added the capability to allow the Aggregated Bonded Transaction (“ABT”) initiator to become part of the `signers` list. This allows the signer to initiate the ABT and also sign it as a trusted participant.
Used the Spinlock implementation to properly manage multiple threads and minimize blocks and bottlenecks that can cause blocking.
Upgraded the exchange cache clean up process to optimally use the storage space by minimizing size cache size allocation.
Fixed deadlock in UtUpdater — unconfirmed transaction updater.
Fixed a few bugs on the harvesting module (Harvesting UtFacade).
Introduce version three (v3) of the exchange offer transaction.
Include the namespace identifier whenever an address is extracted from the account look up.
Added more validation whenever a wrong offer transaction on the exchange is detected by the network.
Created exchange entry version three (v3) on exchange notification version four.
Added `clang` support and build script for MacOS.
Enforced the condition that the mosaic in exchange offer must have a greater duration than offer duration.
Added validation of ExchangeNotification for drive.
Added ability to disable deadline validation.
Added validation to ensure that block difficulties are ordered.
Added validation to ensure the timestamp of a new block is later than the timestamp of the previous block.
Changed the order of receipts issued during the end of the billing period.

Sirius Chain API REST Release Items

Version : 0.6.5

Updated dependencies.
Fixed bug that caused a delay in Sirius Chain response time.

Action Items

For validators, an upgrade is recommended. Please follow the steps in the link to pull the latest version:

For external systems owners (applications, exchange, etc.), you may now continue working on the test network public network API nodes. Please run your integration tests, perform the proper smoke test, and go through your quality assurance policies and gates.

Additional links

Please feel free to drop by our Helpdesk if you have further inquiries.