Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain: a Perfect Match!

ProximaX hosted their new system integrator, Abundent, and guests at the ProximaX Accelerator Centre for a discussion on how artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain can work together.

Blockchain is a distributed and decentralized ledger of transactions that uses cryptography and encryption for data security, integrity, and immutability. On the other hand, AI with machine learning (ML), makes use of a series of algorithms to learn from a vast resource of data to help make decisions.

Blockchain being a repository of transactions and data makes it an appropriate environment for ML to perform data analytics on-chain. Coupled with distributed storage, ProximaX Sirius presents itself as a very powerful platform to co-exist with AI/ML.

Tarun Sukhani, Founder and CTO of Abundent explained how blockchain technology can enable:

  • Secure data sharing for AI brought by transparency and accountability, meaning it is known which user’s data is accessed, when, and by whom.
  • Secure and private data sharing for AI through the creation of a decentralized marketplace.
  • Powering AI through distributed computing for scalability and sustainability.
  • Explainable AI using an immutable trail to track the development of data flow and complex behaviors of AI-based systems.

ProximaX looks forward to further developing their relationship with Abundent and exploring opportunities for integrating AI solutions with the ProximaX Sirius platform.