

ProximaX Mobile Wallet 2.0

We are delighted to announce the launch of ProximaX Mobile Wallet 2.0. This mobile wallet is a free, client-side interface which allows users to securely access and manage their digital assets. It is designed to be intuitive, so that the…

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ProximaX Tech — March 2019

The month of March has been extremely productive for the entire technology team. Most of the activities are a continuation of existing development work with some significant highlights for the core platform, infrastructure, and our applications. Core Development This month…

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ProximaX Tech January 2019

Blockchain, Storage and Streaming Test Networks We recently announced the launch of our public storage and streaming test networks, and at the time of writing this blog, some of our applications are in the process of being migrated over and…

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Research and Design Papers v1.0

We are proud to announce that we have just published our technical whitepaper along with papers on the storage token economy, macro modelling, and contract design. These all can be accessed via the links below. High-level Technical Whitepaper The technical…

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