Further to our ProximaX Launches its Mainnet! and XPX Token Swap announcements on 19th November and 27th September 2019 respectively, we would like to inform all XPX token holders who are yet to swap their XPX tokens from the NEM NIS1 to ProximaX Sirius blockchain that this swap service will be stopped by 30th June 2022.
Post 30th June 2022, all NIS1 accounts that still hold XPX will be recorded and put away. Anyone who wishes to retrieve his/her XPX tokens will need to prove ownership of that account by sending all remaining XPX balance in the NIS1 account together with a message containing the address of the Sirius chain account to the NIS1 sink account below:
Our team will then verify and cross-check the account against our records; if a swap over is found to have been been made before, it will be disqualified. However, if no swap over was made previously, it will be processed and the account holder will receive his/her corresponding XPX accordingly. All swaps will be processed in batches once a month, hence each swap will take a maximum of 31 days for the XPX to be sent to the Sirius wallet.
We have not put a time limit for this swap to finally end, but it is advised that everyone should swap as soon as possible to avoid any loss of XPX in the future. Until the cut-off date of 30th June 2022, XPX holders can continue to swap over from NIS1 to Sirius blockchain using the normal procedure.
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